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Delosperma Jewel of Desert -
Description –
Flowering plant - an absolute breakthrough: a new generation of Delosperma with an extremely long flowering period from spring to first frost with a wide range of bright colors. Exceptionally drought tolerant and winter hardy, forms a lush ground hugging color mat, easy to care.
Suitability -
Excellent for mass and mixed planting, great accent for patio and terrace, rock gardens, low borders, roof planting and ground cover.
Delosperma JOD Opal
Delosperma JOD Grenade
Delosperma JOD Sunstone
Delosperma JOD Amethyst
Delosperma JOD Candystone
Delosperma JOD Garnet
Delosperma JOD Topaz
Delosperma JOD Moon Stone
Delosperma JOD Rosequartz
Delosperma JOD Ruby
Delosperma JOD Peridot
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