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Delosperma Jewel of Desert -

Description –

Flowering plant - an absolute breakthrough: a new generation of Delosperma with an extremely long flowering period from spring to first frost with a wide range of bright colors. Exceptionally drought tolerant and winter hardy, forms a lush ground hugging color mat, easy to care.

Suitability -

Excellent for mass and mixed planting, great accent for patio and terrace, rock gardens, low borders, roof planting and ground cover.

Delosperma JOD Opal - Jaldety.jpg

Delosperma JOD Opal

Delosperma JOD Grenade- Jaldety.jpg

Delosperma JOD Grenade

Delosperma JOD Peridot - Jaldety.jpg

Delosperma JOD Sunstone

Delosperma JOD Amethyst-Jaldety.jpg

Delosperma JOD Amethyst

Delosperma JOD Moonstone - Jaldety.jpg
Delosperma JOD Candystone - Jaldety.jpg

Delosperma JOD Candystone 

Delosperma JOD Garnet- Jaldety.jpg

Delosperma JOD Garnet 

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Delosperma JOD Topaz 

Delosperma JOD Moon Stone 

Delosperma JOD Rosequartz - Jaldety.jpg

Delosperma JOD Rosequartz 

Delosperma JOD Ruby - Jaldety.jpg

Delosperma JOD Ruby

Delosperma JOD SunStone-Jaldety.jpg

Delosperma JOD Peridot 

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